Sunday, July 1, 2007

April 18, 2007 6:30 AM

though it has taken me a couple of weeks to get around to this assignment, i think that it's better late than never. I guess I should start by introducing myself. My name is Tamara Frankel, I am Jewish and I live in Canada. I am studying at Hebrew U this year. and although I am studying Jewish Education, I thought that this course would be a rare opportunity to meet new people and share ideas; it was an offer I couldn't refuse. But at the same time, I am skeptical what will come of this course. even with modern technology, i think that this type of communication increases the distance that lies between us. we cannot go out for coffee. and when we want to say what is on our minds regarding jerusalem and any other issue, we do not have the opportunity to convey these thoughts face to face. i think that as much as we can see each other in the video conferences and have access to each other's weblogs, we hide behind them. i am not trying to sound too pessimistic but i would like to be honest with all of you as well. on another note, living in jerusalem this year has taught me a great deal about the culture of the city, those who live and breathe jerusalem everyday. but i must admit that i do not know all of jerusalem. i am limited to the streets i know, the museums i visit, the grocery stores i shop at. and sadly, i don't think i will ever be able to comprehend fully what jerusalem is all about. in a certain sense, this course is my attempt to explore different aspects of this city.i think that's enough for now. again, i look forward to hearing from you and you are all welcome to visit my blog any time. all the best!

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