Sunday, July 1, 2007

April 18, 2007 6:43 AM

Hey. So in terms of the video conference, which was now a couple of weeks ago, I thought it went really well. I'm constantly amazed by technology, as the last few days I've been involved in a constant stream of communication between Canada, Israel and Australia. Its very easy to be open and have a dialogue with an anonymous person online, but with the video conference we are connecting as students in a unique forum. As much as we sit and discuss Jerusalem, in any capicity, I think it's important to keep in mind that our voluntary participation in this course says a lot about our ideals and a willingness to understand the view of the other. That said, not everyone feels that way, which is why I think it's wonderful that amongst us there is such a diverse voice.As for me:I'm a third year student from the University of Calgary, but have little desire to be back there. Being in Israel this year has been a wonderful opportunity as I have first hand access to the archaeology sites that I study. I suppose I could symbalize (who said they couldn't write in English anymore? I second that!) myself through dance shoes. Because they represent my life spent on stage in theatre, and as a dancer. I've recently been bitten by the travel bug, as i've visited Jordan, Morocco, Spain and Turkey in the last few months. I want to go everywhere and see everything. That includes Ohio. But for now, I'm working on finishing out my year at Hebrew University, and I'm looking forward to going home to see my family.

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